International Law Under Construction
The Groningen Journal of International Law (GroJIL) is pleased to invite submissions for its blog – International Law Under Construction.
Scope of Submissions:
International Law Under Construction seeks to publish posts that include brief commentaries on recent developments revolving around international law, articles that stimulate academic discussion and inspire further research by scholars and students, among others.
Applications are accepted on a rolling basis
Submit your post: grojil@rug.nl with ‘Blog post submission and name’ in the email subject line.
Practical Information:
To be published, a post will need to
a) be written in good English, with a clear and concise structure;
b) be of high academic quality;
c) have relevance to a current issue in International Law;
d) comply with our style guidelines (see here for style guidelines)
In general, we only accept contributions from authors at master’s degree level or above, but we are willing to make exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis if the quality of the post justifies doing so.
Call for Applications – Editorial Reviewers and Senior Editor
The Blog of GroJIL – International Law Under Construction is looking for new Editorial Reviewers and a new Senior Editor.
Submit your CV, one short paragraph on your motivation (150-250 words) and a writing sample to grojil@rug.nl with ‘Application for position and name’ in the email subject line by 4th November 2021.
(Applications from both law and non-law students are encouraged)
Editorial Reviewers:
Editorial Reviewers are usually advanced students or professionals, with a background in international law/international relations. They are also typically
experienced editors.
– Responsible for soliciting submissions due to deeper networks and providing second reviews on blog posts.
– Responsible for verifying the validity and accuracy of posts, and improving the quality of commentaries.
– Previous experience as an editor is desirable but not essential.
Senior Editor:
Senior Editors have some background knowledge in international law/international relations and some editorial experience.
– Largely responsible for initial screening of unsolicited blog posts.
– Soliciting submissions on current topics from international law scholars and practitioners.
– Planning the editorial direction of the blog in collaboration with the Executive Editor.
– Previous experience as an editor is desirable but not essential.
Call for Submissions – Deadline Extended
The Groningen Journal of International Law (GroJIL) now receives submissions on general topics related to international law for its Volume 9, Issue II.
For more details see: https://grojil.org/submissions/call-for-papers/
The Journal is open to all contributions on international law and particularly interested in receiving articles that specifically focus on how international law should engage with emerging challenges. The journal encourages authors to submit articles on general topics related to international law.
The Editorial Board will select the articles after a quality of research and writing check, as well as according to the relevance of the topic. It also undertakes the responsibility of reviewing the articles as regards both language and formatting. The word limit for accepted articles is 15,000 words. For more detailed information please consult the GroJIL author guidelines to be found here: https://grojil.org/submissions/guidelines/
The editorial board generally commits itself to reviewing manuscripts within 30 days. If you want your article to be considered for publication please submit it by sending an email to grojil@rug.nl.
Submit your article: grojil@rug.nl
The Groningen Journal of International Law is organising a competition for students at the University of Groningen this year.