Our Events
Here is a look at our past events and our upcoming events.
Please stay tuned for our upcoming events.
Previous Events
The Universal Declaration at 70:
What is next for Human Rights?
The University of Groningen’s Centre for Religion, Conflict and Globalisation (CRCG) and the Groningen Journal of International Law (GroJIL) are pleased to announce an interdisciplinary workshop on the theme: ‘The Universal Declaration at 70: What Next for Human Rights?’
In December 1948, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights “a common standard of achievement for all peoples and all nations.” Seventy years later, however, the Declaration’s lofty aspirations have proved difficult to meet. Governments around the world trumpet their commitment to rights-based norms, but fail to put them into practice. Charities are accused of violating the rights they seek to spread. Scholars question the cross-cultural applicability of these ostensibly “universal” standards. Yet rights remain a powerful tool, inspiring individuals and organisations throughout the world.
On the occasion of the Declaration’s 70th anniversary, the CRCG and GroJIL invite paper proposals from researchers investigating any aspect of human rights theory and/or practice for an interdisciplinary workshop on the theme ‘The Universal Declaration at 70: What Next for Human Rights?’ Paper topics may include (but are not limited to) the ongoing potential of human rights; reforming human rights; conflicts of rights; human rights and the “refugee crisis”; human rights, gender, and sexuality. We welcome papers from disciplines including anthropology, economics, international relations, law, philosophy and religious studies.
The workshop will be followed by a public lecture by Professor Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law at the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.
9.00-9.30 / Registration 9.30-9.45 / Opening speech 9.45-12.00 / Panel 1: Communities and Commonalities 12.00-12.45 / Lunch 12.45-14.15 / Panel 2: Transformations and Aspirations 14.15-14.30 / Break 14.30-16.00 / Panel 3: Borders and Boundaries 14.15-14.30 / Break 16.15-17.00 / Presentation by Louisa from Justice and Peace's Shelter City Groningen 17.00-17.30 / Break 17.30-18.45 / Keynote lecture by Prof. Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law at LSE Department of Law 18.45-19.15 / Reception
For more information about the workshop, please contact Dr Méadhbh McIvor at m.mcivor@rug.nl or the GroJIL Board at board@grojil.org.
Please register for free at crcg@rug.nl to confirm your attendance.

Human Rights Grassroots Activism: Tools and Challenges

Guest Lecture on Human Trafficking

Guest Lecture on Human Trafficking

Human Rights Grassroots Activism: Tools and Challenges

Syria’s Disappeared: The Case Against Assad

The Reckoning: The Battle for the International Criminal Court
What are the challenges of defending human rights? How can a single person face an entire system? What would one expect in the fight for rights?
Francis Sakwa is a grassroots activist from Kenya who has for years denounced and documented police and political violence in his native country. His more than 10 years of experience as an independent activist for human rights has given him the knowledge of the challenges in the fight for human rights from a totally independent and bottom-up perspective.
If you want to get an idea what his experience has been like check out this 5-minute documentary he's the protagonist of:
The Groningen Journal of International Law would like to invite all students for a talk with Francis where he could explain how to become yourself a human rights activist, what are the activist greatest tools and what kind of help and challenges he could expect to face along the way.
Please find us in the Harmony Building of the University of Groningen, room 1312.0024 at Monday, 30th of April from 6 pm to 7:30 pm for an enlightening discussion on the nature and practice of human rights activism.
Syria’s Disappeared: The Case Against Assad
The Groningen Journal of International Law is pleased to present an exclusive documentary screening of “SYRIA’S DISAPPEARED: THE CASE AGAINST ASSAD” on Tuesday, 21 November 2017 from 18:00-21:00.
The film has been highly rated by The Times and will be shown for the first time in The Netherlands. It depicts the accounts of a few out of the many torture victims of the Assad Regime and it follows the plight of survivors who reveal the horrific ordeals they had undergone in detention centers. Following the screening, a discussion will be held with two guest speakers, Mr. Benjamin Dürr and dr. Antenor Hallo de Wolf. We are also honoured to host Mr. Mazen Alhummada, a protagonist of the documentary who has agreed to attend this event.
The trailer can be found at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_bJ7QLyipU
You can find more information on the documentary at: http://syriasdisappeared.com/
We look forward to welcoming you all on:
- Tuesday, 21 November 2017
- 18:00-21:00
- Free entrance
- Venue: Heymanszaal, Academy Building, Groningen University
Mass atrocities related to crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide have gone unpunished to a level deemed unjustifiable for years. Thousands still remain susceptible to regimes which employ child soldiers, kill innocent civilians, and prey on the vulnerable. In response, countries all over the world pooled together to form the first permanent, independent (treaty based) International Criminal Court to prosecute such perpetrators (regardless of official status).
The Reckoning: The Battle for the International Criminal Court follows dynamic former ICC Prosecutor Luis Moreno Ocampo and his team for 3 years across 4 continents as he issues arrest warrants for Lord’s Resistance Army leaders in Uganda, puts Congolese warlords on trial, shakes up the Colombian justice system, and charges Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir with genocide in Darfur, challenging the UN Security Council to arrest him. Building cases against genocidal criminals presents huge challenges, and the Prosecutor has a justice mandate but no police force. At every turn, he must pressure the international community to muster political will for the cause.
In conjunction with GroJIL’s next issue themed ‘International Criminal Organisations : Contemporary Challenges’ which will be out next month, we invite you to indulge in this exclusive evening of exploration as this tiny court in The Hague struggles to change the world and forge a new paradigm for justice. 7 years have gone by since the first release of this documentary, which begs the question of the current relevance and efficacy the ICC has taken over the years. Thus, after the documentary screening, Prof. Andre de Hoogh, associate professor in International Law at the University of Groningen will give a short lecture in relation to the ICC and the position it’s taken over the years which will then be followed by a question and answer session.
Do you want to see justice prevail? Come and sit with us.
The entrance is free.
You can access the link to the trailer here :
Guest Lecture on Human Trafficking
On 17 April 2014, the Groningen Journal of International Law is organising, in cooperation with the Department of International and Constitutional Law of the University of Groningen, a guest lecture on human trafficking, the topic of our latest published issue.
Dr. Alexis Aronowitz from University College Utrecht and Elif Isitman (M.Sc./M.A.), two of the authors of our issue on human trafficking, will provide their observations on the matter of “Trafficking of Human Beings for the Purpose of Organ Removal: Are (International) Legal Instruments Effective Measures to Eradicate the Practice?”
Alexis A. Aronowitz received her Bachelors of Criminal Justice from Loyola University in New Orleans, Louisiana (1979) and her Masters (1981) and PhD (1988) in Criminal Justice from the State University of New York at Albany. She is a senior lecturer in criminology at University College Utrecht and works as an independent consultant on human trafficking. She has served as a staff member and consultant on projects in the field of trafficking in human beings for the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Organization for Migration, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe and other international organizations. She is the author/co-author of three U.N. reports as well as numerous book chapters and journal articles on the subject. Her book Human Trafficking Human Misery: The Global Trade in Human Beings, was published by Praeger in 2009.
Elif Isitman received her MSc in International Crimes and Criminology and an MA in Journalism from the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her MSc dissertation concerned the trafficking of women and girls in post-conflict areas, using Bosnia & Herzegovina and Kosovo as case studies. Following her MSc studies, she interned and worked at the Bureau of the Dutch National Rapporteur on Trafficking in Human Beings and Sexual Violence against Children (BNRM), where she conducted research into child pornography and corresponding perpetrator profiles. She currently lives and works in Leiden.
Judge Kees Klomp from The Hague Court of Appeal, who is also a member of the special human trafficking chamber of the Court of Appeal, will elaborate on how the matter is dealt with in practice.
Judge Kees Klomp graduated from the University of Groningen in 1982. Since 1995, he is a judge at the Amsterdam District Court. Since 2009, he has trained judges in Eastern European Countires, recently in Bosnia Herzegovina and Albania. Currently he is a judge at the The Hague Court of Appeal. He is working as an investigating magistrate and from 1 April 2014, he will also be a member of the special human trafficking chamber of the Appeal Court.
Date: Thursday, 17 April 2014
Time: 17.00 – 19.00
Location: University of Groningen, Academy Building, Heymanszaal
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A presentation and discussion on GroJIL’s latest edition: Drones in International Law.
Join us for a debate on one of the most troubling and current issues in international law. Each of the Journal’s articles will be introduced by a short presentation by one of our editors, followed by an interactive analysis of the authors’ ideas and proposals for updating existing law in order to accommodate these new situations.
The aim is to produce a policy document based on these discussions, which will be published on GroJIL’s website…so come along and get involved!!
….there will also be post-Forum general socialising over drinks!
Date: Thursday, 16 May 2013
Time: 18.00 – 20.00
Location: University of Groningen, Academy Building, Room 7
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