About ‘International Law Under Construction’
International Law Under Construction was founded in early 2017, adding to the academic debate with frequent blog posts about topics of international law. The blog aims to effectively contribute to the active advancement of knowledge in society and the promotion of topics and issues revolving around international law for sustainable societies. Furthermore, the blog allows for brief commentaries by readers and scholars and invites for (academic) discussion that can provide inspiration for further research.
Excecutive Editor: Pranav Agarwal
Pranav Agarwal is a fifth-year (international law hons.) student at Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. He has previously interned at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law and the Permanent Mission of Sierra Leone in Geneva. He is interested in Public International and Human Rights law.
Senior Editor: Emily Joynes
Emily is an LLM candidate at the University of Groningen. She recently graduated from the University of Geneva where she studied International Relations and International Law. Her main fields of academic interest are International Humanitarian Law, Refugee Law and International Criminal Law. She joined GroJIL in October 2020 as a Senior Editor for the blog.
Senior Editor: Sarah El Taweel
Sarah is an LLM candidate at the university of Groningen. She graduated from the RuG last year after completing the LLB International and European Law. Her main fields of interest are International Human Rights Law, Refugee Law, and International cooperation. She joined GroJIL in October 2020 as a Senior Editor for the blog.
Senior Editor: Shrey Shrestha
Shrey is currently a second-year International and European law student at the University of Groningen. His main academic interests include Socio-Legal Studies and Public International Law. Shrey has also been an editor at GroJIL since 2019.
Senior Editor: Manasa S Venkatachalam
Manasa is an incoming student in the Advanced Master’s program in Public International Law at Leiden University. Her main interests are Public International Law and International Commercial Arbitration. She is currently working with the Women’s Peace Network, an organization dedicated to advocacy efforts for the Rohingya people in Myanmar.
Editorial Reviewer: Triantafyllos Kouloufakos
Triantafyllos Kouloufakos is an LLM student at the Public International Law Programme at the University of Groningen. He holds an LLM degree in Public International Law and an LLB from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. His interest lie in the field of international law and technology and particularly the application of international law in cyberspace.
Editor: Raghav Srinivas
Raghav is currently a fourth-year law student from National Law Institute University, Bhopal. He is interested in pursuing a career in the field of International Trade Law. Raghav has been working as an editor with the blog for over a year.