Blog Submission Guidelines
Submitting Posts
We are happy to accept unsolicited posts. To be published, a post will need to:
Be written in good English, with a clear and concise structure,
Be of high academic quality,
Have relevance to a current issue in International Law, and
Comply with our style guidelines (see below).
In general, we only accept contributions from authors at master’s degree level or above, but we are willing to make exceptions to this rule on a case-by-case basis if the quality of the post justifies doing so.
To submit a post for potential publication, please email Pranav Agarwal at grojil.blog@gmail.com. We will reply with a decision on the contribution within a couple of days at most.
Style Guidelines
Contributor bio and photograph. So our readers can put a face to the name of the author whose work they are reading, we request that you submit a short biography (3-4 sentences) and a professional picture of yourself with your post.
Length. To be published, a post should be around 800 to 1500 words long. If you have a contribution that is significantly longer than 1500 words, we will consider publishing it as a series of two or three posts.
Headings. In the interests of making posts as easy to follow as possible, please include headings and subheadings in your post.
Footnotes. Please do not include footnotes in your contribution, but rather either incorporate the footnote in the main text or delete it. For citations, see below.
Citations and references. Given that our platform is inherently internet-based, we prefer to have our citations in hyperlink format. If you do not know how to do this, we are happy to do so for you; in this case, please put citations in parentheses immediately after the passages they support.
Article Submission Guidelines
Click here for our guidelines on submitting articles for publication in our biannual issues.